外包收费的提成一般是3 4个点左右,如果客单价高的话会降低的。(根据底薪加提成模式的)。都是按外包客服自己的询单下单金额来算的。当然部分退款的单子不算。静默单是不会计算在里面的,对于你对于外包公司都是公平的,公正的。
The commission for outsourcing is generally around 3-4 points, and it will be lower if the customer unit price is high. (Based on the basic salary plus commission model). It is calculated based on the amount of the outsourced customer service's own inquiry and order. Of course, partially refunded orders are not counted. Silent orders are not counted. It is fair and just to you and the outsourcing company.