使用时请勿将袋子套在头上、将喉部及鼻孔放置于袋口处,以免窒息。" 1.temu防窒息警示语是一段使用说明。
2. 因为该警示语是用来描述如何正确使用temu敷料时需要注意避免窒息的安全提示。如果不正确使用temu敷料,袋子套在头上或将喉部及鼻孔放置于袋口处有可能会导致窒息,甚至危及生命。 3.不仅temu敷料,很多药品和器械的使用说明都包含类似的安全提示,而这些提示都是为了提示使用者正确、安全地使用。因此,在使用产品之前,一定要认真仔细阅读说明书和警示语,保障自己的安全和健康。
Do not put the bag on your head or place your throat and nostrils at the bag opening during use to avoid suffocation. " 1.Temu anti-suffocation warning is a section of instructions for use.
2. Because the warning is used to describe the safety tips on how to use temu dressings correctly to avoid suffocation. If temu dressings are not used correctly, putting the bag on your head or placing your throat and nostrils at the bag opening may cause suffocation or even endanger your life. 3. Not only temu dressings, but the instructions for use of many medicines and devices contain similar safety tips, and these tips are to remind users to use them correctly and safely. Therefore, before using the product, be sure to read the instructions and warnings carefully to ensure your safety and health.