是的,拼多多不交佣金也可以卖货。根据相关报道,拼多多旗下跨境电商平台 Temu 曾表示不会向卖家收取佣金。在国内拼多多平台上,虽然默认情况下卖家需要交纳佣金,但也有例外情况。部分卖家在满足一定条件下,可以享受免佣金政策。
Yes, you can sell goods on Pinduoduo without paying commissions. According to relevant reports, Temu, a cross-border e-commerce platform under Pinduoduo, has stated that it will not charge commissions to sellers. On the domestic Pinduoduo platform, although sellers need to pay commissions by default, there are exceptions. Some sellers can enjoy a commission-free policy if they meet certain conditions.
However, it should be noted that even if you do not pay commissions, the seller's store will still be subject to certain restrictions. For example, there will be restrictions on the number of product releases, inventory quantity, and payment and withdrawal functions. These restrictions may affect the seller's sales performance and store development.
In summary, Pinduoduo can sell goods without paying commissions, but it is recommended that sellers weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to pay commissions based on an understanding of the platform rules. The payment of commissions can help to increase the store's exposure and sales performance to a certain extent. If sellers choose not to pay commissions, they should pay close attention to store restrictions to ensure normal operations.
No, a deposit is required.