如果你想在 Temu 上上传能效标签,可以按照以下步骤进行操作:
2.在欧盟 EPREL 创建 EU login 账号:非欧盟国家的公司不能直接在官方注册,需要指认一名欧洲经济区境内的授权代表,且该授权代表需要通过电子认证,来为其代理产品的注册。
3.编制产品信息表及技术文件,生成能效标签:将能效标签相关信息上传至 Temu 平台。
建议在上传能效标签之前,仔细阅读 Temu 的相关规定和要求,并确保你的产品符合能效标准。
If you want to upload the energy efficiency label on Temu, you can follow the steps below:
1. Make it clear that the product meets the EU energy efficiency requirements: conduct energy efficiency tests in accordance with the EU energy efficiency regulations and obtain product energy efficiency test reports.
2. Create an EU login account on the EU EPREL: Companies in non-EU countries cannot register directly with the official website. They need to identify an authorized representative in the European Economic Area, and the authorized representative needs to pass electronic certification to register their products.
3. Prepare product information sheets and technical documents, and generate energy efficiency labels: upload relevant information about the energy efficiency label to the Temu platform.
4. Labeling: Attach the energy efficiency label to the product and product packaging.
It is recommended to carefully read the relevant regulations and requirements of Temu before uploading the energy efficiency label, and ensure that your product meets the energy efficiency standards.