亲爱的京东用户感谢您一直以来的关爱与支持。由于运营需要京东 PLUS 将于2021年9月22日暂停售卖【京东 PLUS 京典卡年卡+电信 PL US 会员年卡】;已经购买的在籍用户,可以正常使用联名卡内的各项权益及售后,恢复上线日期另行通知,给您带来的不便还请谅解。
JD.com officially notified that it was suspended.
Dear JD.com users, thank you for your continued care and support. Due to operational needs, JD.com PLUS will suspend the sale of [JD.com PLUS Jingdian Card Annual Card + Telecom PLUS Member Annual Card] on September 22, 2021; registered users who have already purchased it can use the various rights and after-sales services of the co-branded card as usual. The resumption date will be notified separately. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.