Temu 是一个虚拟现实游戏引擎,您无法直接进入买家页面。您需要通过 Temu 提供的应用程序或平台来访问 Temu 的买家页面。
如果您使用的是 Temu 的桌面应用程序,您可以单击屏幕右上角的三个点按钮,然后选择“设置”选项。在设置菜单中,您可以找到“访问控制”选项,并选择“添加新用户”。接下来,您需要输入您的电子邮件地址和密码来创建新的用户账户。
如果您使用的是 Temu 的云游戏服务,您需要登录到您的账户并单击“游戏”选项
Temu is a virtual reality game engine, you cannot enter the buyer's page directly. You need to access Temu's buyer's page through the application or platform provided by Temu.
If you are using Temu's desktop application, you can click the three dots button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the "Settings" option. In the settings menu, you can find the "Access Control" option and select "Add New User". Next, you need to enter your email address and password to create a new user account.
If you are using Temu's cloud gaming service, you need to log in to your account and click the "Games" option