要上传Temu Trimann标签,可以按照以下步骤进行操作:打开Temu卖家中心,并登录您的账号。在卖家中心页面,找到并点击“产品”选项。在产品页面,找到您想要添加标签的产品,并点击“编辑”按钮。在编辑页面,找到“标签”选项,并点击“添加标签”按钮。在弹出的标签列表中,找到并选择您想要添加的Temu Trimann标签。点击“保存更改”按钮,以保存您对产品的编辑。最后,等待官方审核后,您的产品就会带有Temu Trimann标签了。需要注意的是,Temu Trimann标签是官方推出的一个认证标签,用于标识符合一定要求和标准的产品。因此,卖家在上传产品时应该认真了解标签的具体要求和标准,确保自己的产品符合条件,以便更好地获得官方的认可和推荐。
To upload Temu Trimann labels, follow these steps: Open Temu Seller Center and log in to your account. On the Seller Center page, find and click the "Product" option. On the product page, find the product you want to add a label to and click the "Edit" button. On the edit page, find the "Label" option and click the "Add Label" button. In the list of labels that pops up, find and select the Temu Trimann label you want to add. Click the "Save Changes" button to save your edits to the product. Finally, after waiting for official review, your product will be labeled with the Temu Trimann label. It should be noted that the Temu Trimann label is an official certification label used to identify products that meet certain requirements and standards. Therefore, sellers should carefully understand the specific requirements and standards of the label when uploading products to ensure that their products meet the conditions in order to better obtain official recognition and recommendations.