京东工资待遇,在职朋职业圈上已有416位圈友现身分享,根据网友分享统计,京东平均工资为11044元/月,其中34%的工资收入位于区间6000元/月以下,22%的工资收入位于区间6000-9000元/月。据分析数据统计,京东年终奖平均19528元。 京东员工分享说:晋升较慢,工资这个了解的不是很清楚,太敏感的问题了没有具体了解过。
JD salary benefits, 416 members have shared their experience on Zhipeng Career Circle. According to statistics from netizens, the average salary at JD is 11,044 yuan/month, of which 34% earn less than 6,000 yuan/month, and 22% earn between 6,000 and 9,000 yuan/month. According to statistical analysis, the average year-end bonus at JD is 19,528 yuan. JD employees shared that promotions are slow, and they don’t know much about salary. It’s a sensitive issue and they haven’t learned much about it.
The delivery staff work hard, but their income is OK. The big promotion is basically over. The benefits are OK. It’s just that the time to get off work is not fixed