Temu's failure to send samples may result in the following situations: Unable to accurately evaluate product quality: On the Temu platform, sellers need to send samples to the platform for quality evaluation. If the seller does not send samples, the platform will not be able to accurately evaluate the product, and thus cannot determine whether the product quality meets the requirements. Unable to obtain more exposure: On the Temu platform, product exposure is one of the important factors affecting sales. If the seller does not send samples, the platform will not be able to evaluate and recommend the product, and thus cannot obtain more exposure and sales opportunities. Impact on the seller's reputation: If the seller does not send samples, the platform may think that the seller lacks integrity, which will have a negative impact on the seller's reputation. This may affect the seller's sales and reputation. Violation of platform regulations: If the seller does not send samples, it may violate the regulations of the Temu platform, resulting in the platform taking punitive measures against the seller, such as suspending or deleting the seller's account. Therefore, in order to ensure product quality and comply with platform regulations, it is recommended that sellers send samples to the platform for evaluation on the Temu platform.