Temu 系统下的普通备货单一般是需要发货的。
Temu 卖家无需提前备货,但需要在订单产生后的 24 小时内完成发货到 Temu 仓库。如果不发货,可能会导致一系列问题,例如:
1.违反平台规定:Temu 系统下单是必要的步骤,不发货可能违反相关规定。
3.面临罚款:延迟发货可能会被罚款,超过 24 小时未发货,罚款 1 倍商品货值;超过 48 小时未发货,罚款 5 倍商品货值。如果因商品质量导致拒收,或因缺货导致无法按时履约,也会罚款 5 倍商品货值。
4.降低买家信任度:不发货会导致买家对平台的信任度下降,影响其持续使用 Temu 系统的意愿。
不过,在某些特殊情况下,例如 Temu 平台方面出现问题,如仓库停止收货等,可能会导致无法发货。这时平台通常会发布相关通知,告知卖家具体的处理方式。建议卖家密切关注平台的通知和规定,并严格按照要求进行操作,以避免不必要的损失。
同时,Temu 针对“热销款”有发货及时率和虚假发货率两个考核指标。发货及时率是指在一个评估周期内,“该周期内所有热销品返单的及时发货总件数”除以“该评估周期内所有热销品返单的备货件数之和”的百分比,评估是按照发货件数的维度进行。虚假发货率则是在一个评估周期内,“该周期内所有热销品返单的虚假发货单总数”除以“该周期内所有热销品返单总数”的百分比,按照发货单数的维度评估。平台会根据每个周期内的这两项指标来评估卖家的履约表现,并将卖家分为 S、A、B、C 四个等级,S 级为优秀,A 级为良好,B 级为一般,C 级为较差。目前虚假发货率设定了一个容错阈值,只要在 5%以内都视为合格。对于评估结果为 C 级的卖家,平台会给出限制账户提现金额等处罚措施。
总之,卖家应关注平台规定和相关通知,按照要求及时处理普通备货单,以确保店铺的正常运营和良好表现。如果对特定情况下的备货单处理有疑问,建议及时与 Temu 平台的客服或相关负责人联系,以获取准确的指导和解决方案。
Ordinary stocking orders under the Temu system generally need to be shipped.
Temu sellers do not need to prepare goods in advance, but they need to complete the delivery to the Temu warehouse within 24 hours after the order is generated. If the goods are not shipped, a series of problems may occur, such as:
1. Violation of platform regulations: Placing an order in the Temu system is a necessary step, and not shipping may violate relevant regulations.
2. Affecting store ratings: The platform will evaluate the seller's performance based on assessment indicators such as delivery timeliness rate and divide them into grades. Failure to ship may lead to a reduction in rating.
3. Facing fines: Delayed delivery may be fined. If the goods are not shipped for more than 24 hours, the fine is 1 times the value of the goods; if the goods are not shipped for more than 48 hours, the fine is 5 times the value of the goods. If the goods are rejected due to product quality, or if the contract cannot be fulfilled on time due to out of stock, a fine of 5 times the value of the goods will also be imposed.
4. Reduce buyer trust: Failure to ship goods will lead to a decrease in buyers' trust in the platform and affect their willingness to continue using the Temu system.
5. Infringement of consumer rights: Failure to ship goods violates the principle of consumer rights protection. Consumers have the right to purchase goods and receive them as agreed. Failure to ship goods will seriously infringe on the rights of consumers and may face legal disputes and penalties.
However, in some special cases, such as problems with the Temu platform, such as the warehouse stopping receiving goods, it may lead to failure to ship goods. At this time, the platform usually issues relevant notices to inform sellers of the specific handling methods. Sellers are advised to pay close attention to the platform's notices and regulations and operate strictly in accordance with the requirements to avoid unnecessary losses.
At the same time, Temu has two assessment indicators for "hot-selling items": timely delivery rate and false delivery rate. The timely delivery rate refers to the percentage of "the total number of timely shipments of all hot-selling return orders in the period" divided by "the sum of the number of ready-to-ship items for all hot-selling return orders in the period" in an evaluation cycle. The evaluation is based on the number of shipments. The false shipment rate is the percentage of "the total number of false shipment orders for all hot-selling products returned in the period" divided by the "total number of all hot-selling products returned in the period" in an evaluation cycle, and is evaluated according to the dimension of the number of shipment orders. The platform will evaluate the seller's performance based on these two indicators in each cycle, and divide the sellers into four levels: S, A, B, and C. S is excellent, A is good, B is average, and C is poor. At present, a tolerance threshold is set for the false shipment rate, and it is considered qualified as long as it is within 5%. For sellers with an evaluation result of C, the platform will give punishment measures such as limiting the amount of cash withdrawal from the account.
In short, sellers should pay attention to platform regulations and relevant notifications, and handle ordinary stocking orders in a timely manner as required to ensure the normal operation and good performance of the store. If you have any questions about the handling of stocking orders in specific circumstances, it is recommended to contact the customer service or relevant person in charge of the Temu platform in a timely manner to obtain accurate guidance and solutions.