1. 将标签轻轻撕下,确保标签的背面不要触摸到,以免影响胶水的粘性。
2. 将标签对准纸盒包装的位置,同时用手指轻轻按压标签的中心部分,确保标签均匀贴附到纸盒包装的表面上。
3. 用手指从标签的中心开始向外推动,让标签的胶水完全与纸盒包装接触。
4. 然后用手指仔细检查标签的四周,确保标签的每个角落都牢固粘贴在纸盒包装上。
5. 最后轻轻擦拭一下标签的表面,确保标签的外观干净整洁。
When labeling, you first need to prepare labels suitable for carton packaging, and make sure that the size and adhesive of the label are suitable for carton packaging. Then follow the steps below to label:
1. Gently tear off the label, making sure that the back of the label does not touch, so as not to affect the stickiness of the glue.
2. Align the label with the position of the carton packaging, and gently press the center of the label with your fingers to ensure that the label is evenly attached to the surface of the carton packaging.
3. Use your fingers to push outward from the center of the label so that the glue of the label is completely in contact with the carton packaging.
4. Then use your fingers to carefully check all around the label to ensure that every corner of the label is firmly attached to the carton packaging.
5. Finally, gently wipe the surface of the label to ensure that the appearance of the label is clean and tidy.
Be careful when labeling, ensure that the label is attached to the correct position, avoid wrinkles or gaps, and ensure the neatness and integrity of the product packaging.