1. 客户可能会感到不满,可能会选择寻找其他供应商,导致temu失去业务。
2. 如果市场价格上涨,temu可能会面临成本上升的压力,可能会影响其盈利能力。
3. 拒绝调价可能会破坏与客户的关系,可能会导致信任问题,进而影响长期合作。
4. 如果temu的竞争对手同意调价,temu可能会失去市场份额,影响其市场地位。因此,temu应该谨慎考虑拒绝调价的后果,并与客户进行积极的沟通和协商,以寻求双方都能接受的解决方案。
If temu refuses to adjust prices, the following situations may occur:
1. Customers may be dissatisfied and may choose to look for other suppliers, causing temu to lose business.
2. If market prices rise, temu may face pressure from rising costs, which may affect its profitability.
3. Refusing to adjust prices may damage relationships with customers, which may lead to trust issues and affect long-term cooperation.
4. If temu's competitors agree to adjust prices, temu may lose market share and affect its market position. Therefore, temu should carefully consider the consequences of refusing to adjust prices, and actively communicate and negotiate with customers to seek a solution acceptable to both parties.