在 Temu 平台上发货时,商家需要贴上物流单。物流单是用于记录商品运输过程中重要信息的载体,包括的发货人、收货人、商品详情、运费等信息。贴上物流单有助于物流公司和快递员准确地处理和跟踪包裹,确保商品能够顺利送达买家手中。
When shipping on the Temu platform, merchants need to affix a logistics order. The logistics order is a carrier used to record important information during the transportation of goods, including the shipper, consignee, product details, freight and other information. Affixing a logistics order helps logistics companies and couriers to accurately handle and track packages, ensuring that the goods can be delivered to buyers smoothly.