Temu 蜡烛属于“家居用品”类目下的“家居装饰”小类目。该类目涵盖了各种美化和装饰家居环境的产品,包括蜡烛、花瓶、画框、装饰枕头和地毯等。Temu 蜡烛提供广泛的风格和尺寸选择,从简约的无香蜡烛到精美的芳香蜡烛,迎合各种家居美学需求。
Temu candles belong to the "Home Decor" subcategory within the "Home Furnishings" category. This category covers a variety of products that beautify and decorate the home environment, including candles, vases, picture frames, decorative pillows and rugs. Temu candles offer a wide range of styles and sizes, from simple unscented candles to exquisite scented candles, catering to a variety of home aesthetic needs.