如果您的玩具是在美国销售,则需要符合联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 的条例。根据这些规定,您的玩具需要符合射频暴露标准,并遵守相关的标签和说明书要求。FCC 标签通常显示在产品上,以表明该产品符合射频暴露标准。
因此,如果您的玩具是在美国销售,则建议您咨询相关的法律专家或认证机构,以确定您的产品是否需要贴上 FCC 标签,并了解如何遵守相关法规。
If your toys are sold in the United States, they need to comply with the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). According to these regulations, your toys need to meet the radio frequency exposure standards and comply with the relevant labeling and instructions requirements. The FCC label is usually displayed on the product to indicate that the product meets the radio frequency exposure standards.
Therefore, if your toys are sold in the United States, it is recommended that you consult relevant legal experts or certification agencies to determine whether your product needs to be labeled with FCC and understand how to comply with relevant regulations.