是的,在 Temu 平台上发货时,商家需要贴上物流单。物流单是用于记录商品运输过程中重要信息的载体,包括的发货人、收货人、商品详情、运费等信息。贴上物流单有助于物流公司和快递员准确地处理和跟踪包裹,确保商品能够顺利送达买家手中。
在 Temu 平台上,商家可以通过以下步骤贴上物流单:
1. 登录 Temu 卖家中心:商家需要登录自己的 Temu 卖家中心账户,进入订单管理页面。
2. 查询订单:商家可以根据订单号、商品名称、买家信息等方式查询需要发货的订单。
3. 生成物流单:在查询到的订单详情页面,商家可以找到“生成物流单”按钮,点击后系统会自动生成物流单。
4. 下载物流单:商家可以下载生成的物流单,通常为 PDF 格式。
5. 打印物流单:将下载的物流单打印出来,确保字迹清晰。
6. 贴单:将打印好的物流单贴在包裹上,确保包裹美观、牢固,以便在运输过程中不易损坏。
7. 发货:完成贴单后,商家可以将包裹交给物流公司或快递员进行发货。
Yes, merchants need to attach a logistics bill when shipping on the Temu platform. The logistics bill is a carrier used to record important information during the transportation of goods, including the shipper, consignee, product details, freight and other information. Attaching a logistics bill helps logistics companies and couriers to accurately handle and track packages and ensure that the goods can be delivered to buyers smoothly.
On the Temu platform, merchants can attach logistics bills by following the steps below:
1. Log in to the Temu Seller Center: Merchants need to log in to their Temu Seller Center account and enter the order management page.
2. Query orders: Merchants can query orders that need to be shipped based on order numbers, product names, buyer information, etc.
3. Generate a logistics bill: On the queried order details page, merchants can find the "Generate Logistics Bill" button. After clicking it, the system will automatically generate a logistics bill.
4. Download the logistics bill: Merchants can download the generated logistics bill, usually in PDF format.
5. Print the logistics order: Print out the downloaded logistics order and make sure the handwriting is clear.
6. Paste the order: Paste the printed logistics order on the package to ensure that the package is beautiful and firm so that it is not easily damaged during transportation.
7. Shipment: After completing the labeling, the merchant can hand the package over to the logistics company or courier for shipment.
It should be noted that when pasting the logistics order, the merchant must ensure that the information on the logistics order is accurate to avoid delays or wrong delivery of the package. At the same time, different logistics companies and couriers may have different labeling requirements, and merchants need to follow the corresponding regulations to ensure the compliance of the logistics order.