Temu 半托管模式的买手对接,可以按照以下步骤进行:
1.添加买手:可以通过以下步骤添加买手。首先,打开 Temu 应用并登录您的账户。然后,在应用的主页上找到并点击“运营对接”选项。接下来,可以选择通过输入买手的用户名或手机号来搜索并添加买手。还可以通过扫描买手的二维码来添加买手。一旦找到了要添加的买手,点击“添加”按钮即可完成添加过程。添加成功后,您将能够在您的买手列表中看到该买手,并可以与其进行交流和合作。
2.在店铺开通后添加买手:也可以在店铺开通后,在加入的 Knock 群添加对应类目买手。
3.通过合作伙伴入驻:通过 Temu 的合作伙伴神马汇入驻的卖家,可获取官方买手的对接指导,快速对接买手。
To connect with buyers in Temu semi-hosting mode, you can follow the steps below:
1. Add buyers: You can add buyers by following the steps below. First, open the Temu app and log in to your account. Then, find and click the "Operational Connection" option on the homepage of the app. Next, you can choose to search and add buyers by entering the buyer's username or mobile phone number. You can also add buyers by scanning the buyer's QR code. Once you have found the buyer you want to add, click the "Add" button to complete the adding process. After adding successfully, you will be able to see the buyer in your buyer list and can communicate and cooperate with him.
2. Add buyers after the store is opened: You can also add buyers of the corresponding category in the Knock group you joined after the store is opened.
3. Settle in through partners: Sellers who settle in through Temu's partner Shenmahui can obtain docking guidance from official buyers and quickly connect with buyers.