To check the seller's company name on Temu, first you need to visit Temu's official website or APP and log in to your account. When browsing products or searching for products you are interested in, you can pay attention to the product details page. Some sellers may mark or display their company name here. If the product details page is not displayed directly, you can try to contact the seller for consultation. They are usually happy to provide relevant information. In addition, the Temu platform may also provide links to seller information or store pages. You can click on the link to enter the seller's store page and view more information about the seller, including the company name.
Please note that protecting user privacy and data security is an important responsibility of e-commerce platforms, so seller information may be subject to certain restrictions and confidentiality measures. If you cannot find the seller's company name directly, it is recommended to contact Temu customer service through official channels. They can provide more accurate help and guidance.
It is impossible to check, temu itself does not have the function of checking the seller's company name
You can enter the store name or keyword in the search box at the top of the homepage to search. You can also click "Recommended Merchants" and "Popular Merchants" on the left side of the page to browse other merchants where other users are more active on the website.
In addition, by browsing the category tags on the homepage, you can find stores that match your interests and needs.
If you have already followed someone else's store, you can click the "Follow" button on your own page to view the stores you have followed.