1. 在Temu平台上注册成为卖家,并开设自己的店铺。
2. 将您的产品信息上传到Temu平台,以便买家浏览和购买。
3. 需要提前准备好货物,并在规定时间内将产品备货到指定的广州仓库。
4. 在发货过程中,根据实际情况设置装箱数量。
5. 根据平台的更新,现在是先进行批量发货操作,再打印发货单。
The following 5 points:
1. Register as a seller on the Temu platform and open your own store.
2. Upload your product information to the Temu platform for buyers to browse and purchase.
3. You need to prepare the goods in advance and stock the products to the designated Guangzhou warehouse within the specified time.
4. During the delivery process, set the packing quantity according to the actual situation.
5. According to the update of the platform, now it is to carry out batch delivery operations first, and then print the delivery order.