运营模式:零佣金自营模式,平台把控销售与物流 Temu目前采用自营模式,卖家仅负责供货和运送到仓,除此之外的定价、销售、营销、物流配送、售后等环节均由平台负责。 从盈利模式来看,目前Temu 对入驻商家不收取佣金或保证金,主要赚取供销差价;从商家运营权限来看, 商家可以在商品展示页露出品牌 Logo,但平台未向商家开放后台操作权限,且商品最终定价权归属平台。
1)商家入驻:Temu 降低开店门槛,允许企业或个人入驻开店,符合要求的商家提交申请后等待平台对 店铺进行审核;此前在拼多多开过店的商家可以一键入驻。 2)选品:审核通过的商家可在后台上线商品,此后由买 手进行线上选品,商品被选中后商家需寄样供平台线下审核。 3)核价议价:样品质检通过后,平台将对商品进行核 价,卖家需上报商品成本价和预期利润,最终定价权归属于平台,卖家拥有一次反馈议价的机会。
4)商家送货:商 家下首单并少量发货,平台审核首单通过后商家可批量发货到拼多多国内仓进行提前备货。
5)上架销售:平台生成 购物订单后,商品将由广州仓统一发往海外,此后的履约配送、售后服务等环节均有平台负责。
Operation model: Zero commission self-operation model, the platform controls sales and logistics Temu currently adopts a self-operation model, and the seller is only responsible for supplying and delivering goods to the warehouse. In addition, pricing, sales, marketing, logistics distribution, after-sales and other links are all the responsibility of the platform. From the perspective of profit model, Temu currently does not charge commissions or deposits for merchants, and mainly earns the difference between supply and sales; from the perspective of merchant operation rights, merchants can display brand logos on the product display page, but the platform does not open the backend operation rights to merchants, and the final pricing power of the goods belongs to the platform.
1) Merchant entry: Temu lowers the threshold for opening a store, allowing enterprises or individuals to open a store. Merchants who meet the requirements submit an application and wait for the platform to review the store; merchants who have opened stores on Pinduoduo before can enter with one click. 2) Product selection: Merchants who have passed the review can launch products in the background, and then buyers will select products online. After the product is selected, the merchant needs to send samples for offline review by the platform. 3) Price verification and negotiation: After the sample quality inspection is passed, the platform will verify the price of the product. The seller needs to report the cost price and expected profit of the product. The final pricing power belongs to the platform, and the seller has one opportunity to provide feedback and negotiate.
4) Merchant delivery: The merchant places the first order and ships a small amount. After the platform reviews the first order, the merchant can ship in batches to Pinduoduo's domestic warehouse for advance stocking.
5) Shelf sales: After the platform generates a shopping order, the goods will be uniformly shipped overseas by the Guangzhou warehouse. The platform is responsible for the subsequent fulfillment, delivery, after-sales service and other links.