Generally speaking, once the seller confirms that the order has been completed, the buyer can usually no longer apply for a return. Confirming that the order has been completed means that the transaction is considered successful and the two parties have reached a final transaction agreement.
However, the specific return policy may vary depending on the regulations of the platform and the seller. On Shopee, sellers can set their own return policies, so some sellers may allow returns or refunds under certain conditions.
If you, as a buyer, need to return the goods, please communicate directly with the seller and make your request. The seller will decide whether to accept your return request based on their return policy and the specific circumstances. At the same time, it is recommended that you check Shopee's return policy for more relevant information and ensure compliance with platform regulations and procedures.
In short, contact the seller as soon as possible and explain the reason for the return in detail in order to seek the best solution.