店名修改是非常简单的,入口为:卖家中心-我的账户-店铺设置,找到店名这一提示,然后输入一个新的店铺,提交后等待平台审核即可。 不过要注意的就是,Shopee店名修改,30天内只能修改一次。
It is very simple to change the store name. The entrance is: Seller Center-My Account-Store Settings, find the prompt for the store name, then enter a new store, submit it and wait for the platform to review it. However, it should be noted that the Shopee store name can only be changed once within 30 days.
The specific steps to modify the shopee store name are:
1. Log in to the shopee account.
2. Click Seller Center> Click My Account> Click Store Settings.
3. Then find the store name prompt, enter the new store name, and then submit it to the platform for review.