1 可以做2 亚马逊有外观专利的产品只是受到限制,但并不意味着不能设计和生产出类似外观但不侵犯专利的产品。
3 在这个过程中,亚马逊需要注重创新,为消费者提供更好的产品体验,同时也需要遵守相关法律法规,保护知识产权的合法权益,以创新驱动企业发展。
1 Yes. 2 Amazon’s products with patents on appearance are only subject to restrictions, but that does not mean that it cannot design and produce products with similar appearance but without infringing the patent.
In addition, Amazon can also avoid infringement by reconstructing the design of the product or negotiating authorization with the patent holder.
3 In this process, Amazon needs to focus on innovation and provide consumers with a better product experience. At the same time, it also needs to comply with relevant laws and regulations, protect the legitimate rights and interests of intellectual property rights, and drive corporate development with innovation.