1. 访问Shopee官方网站或应用程序,并点击登录。
2. 在登录页面中,选择“忘记用户名”选项。
3. 您将被要求提供与您的Shopee帐户相关联的注册电子邮件地址或手机号码。
4. 输入您的电子邮件地址或手机号码,并按照指示进行下一步操作。
5. 您可能需要提供其他验证信息,如注册时使用的姓名、身份证号码等。
6. 完成验证后,系统将通过电子邮件或短信向您发送一个包含您的用户名的消息。 如果您无法通过上述步骤找回用户名,建议您联系Shopee的客户支持团队,提供您的注册信息和详细情况,并向他们寻求进一步的帮助和指导。
If your Shopee link is banned and you have forgotten your username, you can try the following steps to retrieve your username:
1. Visit the Shopee official website or application and click to log in.
2. On the login page, select the "Forgot Username" option.
3. You will be asked to provide the registered email address or mobile number associated with your Shopee account.
4. Enter your email address or mobile number and follow the instructions to proceed to the next step.
5. You may need to provide additional verification information, such as the name, ID number, etc. used when registering.
6. After completing the verification, the system will send you a message containing your username via email or SMS. If you are unable to retrieve your username through the above steps, it is recommended that you contact Shopee's customer support team, provide your registration information and details, and seek further help and guidance from them.
Log in via registered email or mobile phone number