在亚马逊上,中性品牌(Amazon Private Brand)是由亚马逊自主生产和销售的品牌,如果您想要将自己的产品上架到中性品牌下,需要进行以下步骤:
1. 登录亚马逊卖家中心,选择“添加产品”。
2. 在“添加产品”页面中,填写您的产品信息,包括产品标题、描述、价格等详细信息,并上传产品图片。
3. 选择您的产品所属的类别和子类别,如果您的产品所属的类别和子类别中有中性品牌类别,可以选择该类别。
4. 在“品牌”一栏中,填写“Amazon Private Brand”作为产品的品牌名称。
5. 在“制造商”一栏中,填写“Amazon.com, Inc.”作为产品的制造商名称。
6. 提交您的产品信息,等待审核通过后,您的产品就可以上架到中性品牌下了。
On Amazon, a neutral brand (Amazon Private Brand) is a brand produced and sold independently by Amazon. If you want to list your products under a neutral brand, you need to follow these steps:
1. Log in to Amazon Seller Center and select "Add Product".
2. On the "Add Product" page, fill in your product information, including product title, description, price and other details, and upload product pictures.
3. Select the category and subcategory to which your product belongs. If there is a neutral brand category in the category and subcategory to which your product belongs, you can select that category.
4. In the "Brand" column, fill in "Amazon Private Brand" as the brand name of the product.
5. In the "Manufacturer" column, fill in "Amazon.com, Inc." as the manufacturer name of the product.
6. Submit your product information and wait for review, then your product can be listed under a neutral brand.
It should be noted that neutral brands have strict requirements for product quality and service quality, so before listing products, it is recommended that you carefully read Amazon's relevant policies and requirements and ensure that your products meet the relevant requirements. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure product quality and after-sales service to improve user experience and reputation.
Neutral brands can list their products on Amazon through the following steps: 1. Register a seller account: Enter the Amazon Seller Center and fill in the relevant information on the registration page to register a seller account; 2. Create a product list: Click "Add New Product" in the Seller Center, fill in the product information and upload product pictures and descriptions to create a product list; 3. Add product information: In the product list, fill in the product's SKU, price, inventory and other information; 4. Release products: Publish the product to the Amazon platform, and the product can be sold online after waiting for review. Neutral brands need to pay attention to the following points when listing products: 1. The product description must be accurate and true, and cannot mislead consumers; 2. The price of the product cannot be lower than the cost price; 3. The quality of the product must be excellent to meet the needs and expectations of consumers.
Neutral white label products on the Amazon platform require sellers to first register and file a brand name, and then upload products on the Amazon platform through this brand