1. 有货源2. 因为Shopee是一个电商平台,有许多商家在上面销售商品,所以货源是有保障的。商家可以通过与供应商合作、代理品牌、自主生产等方式获取货源。
3. 商家可以通过以下方式来获取Shopee的货源:与供应商合作,与品牌进行代理合作,自主生产商品,或者通过与其他商家进行批发合作等。此外,商家还可以通过参加Shopee的特殊活动或者与其他商家进行合作来获取更多的货源。总之,Shopee有多种渠道可以获取货源,商家可以根据自身情况选择合适的方式来获取货源。
1. There is a supply 2. Because Shopee is an e-commerce platform with many merchants selling goods on it, the supply is guaranteed. Merchants can obtain the supply through cooperation with suppliers, agency of brands, independent production, etc.
3. Merchants can obtain the supply from Shopee through the following methods: cooperation with suppliers, agency cooperation with brands, independent production of goods, or wholesale cooperation with other merchants, etc. In addition, merchants can also obtain more supply by participating in Shopee's special events or cooperating with other merchants. In short, Shopee has multiple channels to obtain the supply, and merchants can choose the appropriate method to obtain the supply according to their own situation.