1. 发明性:发明必须是新的、非显而易见的、有实际用途的。
2. 实用性:发明必须具有实际使用功能,并且可实施。
3. 创新性:发明必须具有创新性,即与现有技术有所区别,能够产生经济效益。
4. 可以用于制造、使用或销售:发明必须是可以用于制造、使用或销售的实物或方法。
5. 描述要求:发明必须有充分的技术描述和说明书,能够使技术人员对发明进行复制或实施。
6. 技术水平要求:发明必须具有一定的技术水平,必须具备一定的技术难度和专业技术水平。
Generally speaking, the conditions for Amazon to apply for a patent include the following aspects:
1. Inventiveness: The invention must be new, non-obvious, and have practical uses.
2. Practicality: The invention must have practical use functions and be implementable.
3. Innovation: The invention must be innovative, that is, different from the existing technology and able to generate economic benefits.
4. Can be used for manufacturing, use or sale: The invention must be a physical object or method that can be used for manufacturing, use or sale.
5. Description requirements: The invention must have sufficient technical description and instructions to enable technicians to copy or implement the invention.
6. Technical level requirements: The invention must have a certain technical level and must have a certain technical difficulty and professional technical level.
It should be noted that applying for a patent does not necessarily mean that the patent can be authorized. The success rate of applying for a patent depends on the specific invention and the quality of the application of the patent applicant.
1. Registered trademark, trademark acceptance notice;
2. Picture with product logo;
3. Picture of outer packaging with logo;
4. Brand website, for example: simple website;
5. E-mail address with the brand as suffix;