不是的。在 Shopee 平台上,产品权重和广告出价是两个不同的因素,它们之间没有直接的联系。产品权重是指一个产品在 Shopee 搜索结果中的排名优先级,而广告出价是指广告主为展示其广告而愿意支付的最低价格。因此,即使一个产品的权重很高,广告主仍然可能需要出高价来获得更好的广告展示位置。
No. On the Shopee platform, product weight and ad bid are two different factors, and there is no direct connection between them. Product weight refers to the ranking priority of a product in Shopee search results, while ad bid refers to the lowest price an advertiser is willing to pay to display their ad. Therefore, even if a product has a high weight, advertisers may still need to pay a high price to get a better ad placement.