可以通过打开shopee卖家中心,然后在左侧导航栏中选择“我的店铺”,即可查看自己的店铺信息和运营数据。 进一步来说,卖家可以通过查看自己店铺的订单、评价、粉丝、关注以及运营数据等信息,对店铺运营进行分析和优化,提高销售效率和用户体验。此外,卖家还可以通过Shopee提供的推广、营销工具来提升店铺知名度和曝光率,吸引更多潜在顾客。
You can view your store information and operation data by opening the Shopee Seller Center and selecting "My Store" in the left navigation bar. Furthermore, sellers can analyze and optimize store operations by viewing their store's orders, reviews, fans, followers, and operation data, thereby improving sales efficiency and user experience. In addition, sellers can also use the promotion and marketing tools provided by Shopee to increase store visibility and exposure and attract more potential customers.