1. 登录到您的Shopee卖家账户。
2. 在Shopee首页找到“我的卖场”模块,点击“卖场介绍”进入店铺介绍页面。
3. 在店铺介绍页面中,找到店铺头像的位置,并点击“编辑”按钮。
4. 根据需要选择合适的图片作为店铺头像,确保图片清晰、明了,并且与店铺的名称和产品类目定位相关联。
5. 上传图片后,根据需要调整图片的大小,确保其在头像框中显示得当。
6. 调整好头像后,点击确认或保存按钮,以更新您的店铺头像。
The following are 6 steps:
1. Log in to your Shopee seller account.
2. Find the "My Store" module on the Shopee homepage and click "Store Introduction" to enter the store introduction page.
3. On the store introduction page, find the location of the store avatar and click the "Edit" button.
4. Select a suitable picture as the store avatar as needed, and ensure that the picture is clear and relevant to the store's name and product category positioning.
5. After uploading the picture, adjust the size of the picture as needed to ensure that it is displayed properly in the avatar frame.
6. After adjusting the avatar, click the Confirm or Save button to update your store avatar.