在注册亚马逊 Prime免费试享时,需要您提供真实、有效的信用卡或借记卡(储蓄卡)的信息。在30天试享期结束时,除非您主动提前要求取消Prime,亚马逊会自动为您升级到年度付费会员,并从您提供的信用卡或借记卡(储蓄卡) 中扣取一年的Prime会员费。
When signing up for an Amazon Prime free trial, you will need to provide real, valid credit or debit card information. At the end of the 30-day trial period, unless you actively request to cancel Prime in advance, Amazon will automatically upgrade you to an annual paid membership and deduct one year's Prime membership fee from the credit or debit card you provided.