Generally, there are the following reasons:
1. Wrong item category selection
Generally, when sellers upload products and edit them, they will select the item category. If the selection is wrong, it will be automatically recognized by the system and will be under review.
If the seller sets the wrong product category, the platform will remove the product after discovering it; if it is still the wrong category after the second change, it will be deleted by the system and the seller will be punished.
If the seller uploads the product for the third time and it is still in the wrong category, the product will be deleted by the system and the seller will receive an additional penalty score of 1 point. Therefore, in order to avoid punitive deductions, the simplest and crudest way to remove products from the system is to delete them.
2. The product keywords contain sensitive words
Why are there sensitive words? For example, the seller sells an eye massager, but the title says "improve sleep", which is sometimes expressed as "hypnosis". Therefore, such words are reviewed.
If it has not passed the review within 3 days, it is recommended to re-edit the product title and description and re-list it to trigger the review.
3. Do not contain irrelevant keywords in the product title
Clickbait is also not allowed. The information contained in the product does not correspond to or is irrelevant to the product being sold, and it will be regarded as a spam product. In order to prevent sellers from abusing keywords to mislead searches and affect buyers' browsing experience, the Shopee platform will notify sellers to re-edit the product. If the quality inspection fails again, the product will be deleted.