1. Shopee提交材料会在一段时间后失效。
2. 这是因为Shopee为了保证平台的有效性和安全性,设定了一定的时间限制。如果用户在规定的时间内没有提交材料,系统会自动将其视为失效。
3. 根据Shopee的规定,具体的失效时间会根据不同的情况而有所不同。一般来说,如果用户在注册后一段时间内没有提交材料,账号会被标记为未验证状态,无法进行一些特定操作。如果长时间未提交材料,账号可能会被注销或关闭。因此,及时提交所需材料是保持Shopee账号有效的重要步骤。
1. Shopee's submitted materials will become invalid after a period of time.
2. This is because Shopee has set a certain time limit to ensure the effectiveness and security of the platform. If the user does not submit the materials within the specified time, the system will automatically consider it invalid.
3. According to Shopee's regulations, the specific expiration time will vary depending on different circumstances. Generally speaking, if the user does not submit materials within a period of time after registration, the account will be marked as unverified and certain operations will not be possible. If materials are not submitted for a long time, the account may be deregistered or closed. Therefore, submitting the required materials in a timely manner is an important step to keep your Shopee account valid.