You can.
Sellers who ship by themselves do not have their own source of goods and need to affix the delivery note by themselves. When the store places the order, they will pack the products and send them to the warehouse, which is safe and reliable. Some sellers who ship by themselves will find a freight forwarder to save time and effort.
For self-shipping, you need to affix the domestic logistics information and the Shopee platform's logo card on the outermost packaging of the package. The inner layer is the package of the product, and the Shopee platform's delivery note is affixed on the package of the product. The size of the delivery note is 10 times 10 (do not use A4 paper to print the delivery note.
If the seller cannot affix the delivery note by himself, he needs to find a freight forwarder to help affix the delivery note. After the seller places the order, he will send the package to the freight forwarder, and then the freight forwarder will affix the delivery note to the product and send it to the Shopee warehouse.