要登录 Shopee,您需要下载 Shopee 应用,并创建一个帐户。 下面是您可以按照的步骤:
在应用商店中下载 Shopee 应用程序。
验证您的帐户。 必须输入您的手机号码以接收来自 Shopee 的验证码。 输入验证码后,单击“验证”按钮。
接下来,您需要设置一个用户名和个性化资料。完成后,您就可以登录并开始使用 Shopee 了。
如果您遇到任何问题,可以尝试通过 Shopee 官方网站或客户支持网站寻求帮助。
To log in to Shopee, you need to download the Shopee app and create an account. Here are the steps you can follow:
Download the Shopee app in the app store.
Open the app and click the "Register" button.
Follow the prompts to complete the registration process. You will need to provide your mobile number, email address and create a password.
After entering your information, click the "Register" button.
Verify your account. You must enter your mobile number to receive a verification code from Shopee. After entering the verification code, click the "Verify" button.
Next, you need to set up a username and personalized profile. Once completed, you can log in and start using Shopee.
If you encounter any problems, you can try to seek help through the Shopee official website or customer support website.
You can associate with Dianxiaomi and log in through Dianxiaomi