1. **商品标题**:
- 确保标题准确反映商品的特性,同时包含关键词以提高搜索排名。
- 标题应简洁明了,一般不超过60个字符。
2. **商品图片**:
- 使用高质量的商品图片,至少上传6张图片,最好是10张,以便展示商品的多个角度和细节。
- 图片应清晰,无水印,大小在500KB至5MB之间。
3. **商品描述**:
- 详细描述商品的特点、用途、尺寸、颜色、材质等,以便买家了解商品。
- 使用关键词和长尾关键词来提高搜索排名。
- 描述中可以包含促销信息,如折扣、优惠券等。
4. **商品分类**:
- 正确选择商品分类,以便买家能够轻松找到您的商品。
- 确保商品属性填写准确,如品牌、尺码、款式等。
5. **商品价格**:
- 设置有竞争力的价格,可以考虑使用促销活动来吸引买家。
- 了解市场价格,避免价格过高或过低。
6. **商品标签**:
- 使用适当的标签来帮助商品在Shopee的搜索结果中脱颖而出。
- 标签应包含关键词,以便买家能够通过搜索找到您的商品。
7. **商品视频**:
- 如果可能,上传商品视频,以更直观地展示商品的使用和特点。
- 视频应清晰,长度控制在30秒至1分钟之间。
8. **商品问答**:
- 鼓励买家提问,并及时回答他们的问题,以增加买家对商品的信任。
9. **商品评价**:
- 鼓励买家留下评价,这有助于提高商品的信誉度。
10. **优化商品列表**:
- 定期检查和更新商品列表,确保所有信息都是最新的。
- 删除任何不再销售的商品,以保持店铺的整洁和专业。
The details page setting of Shopee Malaysia is an important part that affects the sales of goods. A good details page can improve the conversion rate of goods.
Here are some basic steps and suggestions to help you set up an effective details page of Shopee Malaysia:
1. **Product Title**:
- Make sure the title accurately reflects the characteristics of the product and contains keywords to improve search ranking.
- The title should be concise and clear, generally not more than 60 characters.
2. **Product Images**:
- Use high-quality product images, upload at least 6 pictures, preferably 10 pictures, to show multiple angles and details of the product.
- The picture should be clear, without watermarks, and the size should be between 500KB and 5MB.
3. **Product Description**:
- Describe the characteristics, use, size, color, material, etc. of the product in detail so that buyers can understand the product.
- Use keywords and long-tail keywords to improve search rankings.
- Include promotional information in the description, such as discounts, coupons, etc.
4. **Product Categories**:
- Choose the right product categories so that buyers can easily find your products.
- Make sure the product attributes are filled out accurately, such as brand, size, style, etc.
5. **Product Prices**:
- Set competitive prices and consider using promotions to attract buyers.
- Understand the market price and avoid pricing that is too high or too low.
6. **Product Tags**:
- Use appropriate tags to help products stand out in Shopee's search results.
- Tags should include keywords so that buyers can find your products through search.
7. **Product Videos**:
- If possible, upload product videos to more intuitively demonstrate the use and features of the product.
- The video should be clear and the length should be between 30 seconds and 1 minute.
8. **Product Q&A**:
- Encourage buyers to ask questions and answer their questions in a timely manner to increase buyers' trust in the product.
9. **Product Reviews**:
- Encourage buyers to leave reviews, which helps to improve the credibility of the product.
10. **Optimize Product Listings**:
- Check and update the product listing regularly to ensure that all information is up to date.
- Delete any products that are no longer for sale to keep the store clean and professional.
Please note that the above steps and suggestions may change with the policies and function updates of the Shopee platform, so it is recommended that you regularly check Shopee's official help documents and announcements for the latest setup guides. At the same time, ensure that your product details page conforms to the cultural and language habits of the Malaysian market to increase the attractiveness of the product.