新动物园东距石家庄市区中心17.5公里,南邻石太高速公路,西依白鹿泉郄庄林场,北临307国道,与抱犊寨、龙凤湖、蟠龙湖、封龙山、苍岩山、天桂山、五岳寨等形成省会西部旅游带。 园内景观布局采用非对称式,以山势起伏的隐风山为背景,把自然景色与人工建筑巧妙有机地结合在一起。
场馆区主要有长颈鹿馆、大象馆、两栖爬行馆、水生馆、熊猫馆、猴馆、猩猩馆、山魈馆、狒狒馆等9大展馆。 新园共饲养展出火烈鸟、金丝猴、东北虎、亚洲象、长颈鹿、黑猩猩、袋鼠、海豹、食火鸡、白虎、跳羚、豺等250多种3000余只(头)国内外珍禽名兽,其中白虎、火烈鸟、角马、大羚羊、白脸牛羚、欧洲盘羊、食火鸡、非洲猎狗、水獭、巨嘴鸟、亚马逊鹦鹉等70多个品种2000余(含去年十一引进动物)只动物属首次引进。
There are no koalas in Shijiazhuang Zoo.
The new zoo is 17.5 kilometers east of the downtown of Shijiazhuang, adjacent to Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Expressway in the south, Bailuquan Qizhuang Forest Farm in the west, and National Highway 307 in the north. Together with Baoduzhai, Longfeng Lake, Panlong Lake, Fenglong Mountain, Cangyan Mountain, Tiangui Mountain, Wuyuezhai, etc., it forms the western tourism belt of the provincial capital. The landscape layout in the park adopts an asymmetrical style, with the undulating Yinfeng Mountain as the background, cleverly and organically combining the natural scenery with artificial buildings.
According to the terrain, the park is divided into 18 functional areas, including the gate area, flamingo area, science museum (to be built), wetland bird and animal area, office area, venue area, monkey mountain, central service area, children's zoo area, bird-singing forest area, alpine animal area, raptor animal area, Asian animal area, African animal area, Australian animal area, lion and tiger valley, pastoral scenery area, mountaineering and fitness area.
The venue area mainly includes 9 exhibition halls, including the Giraffe Hall, Elephant Hall, Amphibian and Reptile Hall, Aquatic Hall, Panda Hall, Monkey Hall, Orangutan Hall, Mandrill Hall, and Baboon Hall. The new park has a total of more than 250 species of more than 3,000 domestic and foreign rare birds and animals, including flamingos, golden monkeys, Siberian tigers, Asian elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, kangaroos, seals, cassowaries, white tigers, springboks, jackals, etc. Among them, more than 2,000 animals of more than 70 species (including animals introduced in November last year) such as white tigers, flamingos, wildebeests, elands, white-faced wildebeests, European mouflons, cassowaries, African hunting dogs, otters, toucans, Amazon parrots, etc. are introduced for the first time.