古灵精怪 憨状可掬 妙趣横生_成语解释 【拼音】:miào qù héng shēng 【释义】:横生:层出不穷地表露。
洋溢着美妙的意趣(多指语言、文章或美术作品)。妙语如珠 【拼音】:miào yǔ rú zhū 【解释】:指诗文中警句妙语很多Quirky, naive, witty and interesting_idiom explanation [Pinyin]: miào qù héng shēng [Explanation]: Horizontal: endlessly revealed.
Full of wonderful interest (mostly refers to language, articles or works of art). Witty words like pearls [Pinyin]: miào yǔ rú zhū [Explanation]: refers to the many aphorisms and witty words in poems and essays