1 淘宝平均停留时长的计算公式是:平均停留时长 = 总停留时长 / 访问次数。
2 这个公式的原理是,总停留时长是指所有用户在淘宝上的停留时间总和,访问次数是指所有用户在淘宝上的访问次数总和,两者相除就可以得到平均停留时长。
3 在实际的运用中,还可以根据用户的不同行为进行细分,比如浏览商品、下单、购买等不同阶段的平均停留时间。这对于淘宝平台优化和用户行为分析都有很大的帮助。
1 The formula for calculating the average duration of stay on Taobao is: average duration = total duration / number of visits.
2 The principle of this formula is that the total duration of stay refers to the total duration of stay of all users on Taobao, and the number of visits refers to the total number of visits of all users on Taobao. The average duration of stay can be obtained by dividing the two.
3 In actual application, it is also possible to segment according to different user behaviors, such as the average duration of stay at different stages such as browsing products, placing orders, and purchasing. This is of great help to Taobao platform optimization and user behavior analysis.