1. 店铺名称必须符合法律法规,并且不能含有违禁、淫秽、暴力等禁止性词汇。
2. 店铺名称需要表达清晰的主题和业务范围,以符合用户搜索和理解习惯。
3. 店铺名称需要简洁明了,易于记忆和传播。
4. 店铺名称需要与经营活动相符,不得有误导性或虚假宣传的情况。
5. 店铺名称不能冒用或模仿他人或其他品牌的名称或标识,不得有侵权行为。
The following points need to be noted when writing a Taobao store name:
1. The store name must comply with laws and regulations, and cannot contain prohibited words such as prohibited, obscene, violent, etc.
2. The store name needs to express a clear theme and business scope to meet the user's search and understanding habits.
3. The store name needs to be concise and clear, easy to remember and spread.
4. The store name needs to be consistent with the business activities and must not be misleading or false propaganda.
5. The store name cannot impersonate or imitate the names or logos of others or other brands, and must not infringe.
Therefore, it is recommended that Taobao store names follow the above specifications, do not violate relevant laws and regulations, and be able to clearly express the store's theme and business scope, be concise and clear, easy to remember and spread. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the use of exclusive names and logos, and avoid infringing on the intellectual property rights of others.