To choose Kunming stores on Taobao, you first need to enter the keyword "Kunming" in the search box, and then select "Location" as "Kunming, Yunnan" in the filter bar on the left to filter out stores in the Kunming area.
In the filter results, you can evaluate and compare the store's reputation level, sales volume, reviews and other indicators, and choose stores with good reputation, high reviews and stable sales to shop.
In addition, you can also consult the store's customer service, browse the store's details page, etc. to understand the store's business conditions and service quality, so as to make a more informed choice.
1 Enter the product you want to buy in the search bar 2 Click the button below the search bar to select the filter 3 You can choose the brand, price, place of delivery, etc. 4 Select Kunming in the place of delivery!