截止2011年年底,淘宝网单日交易额峰值达到43.8亿元,创造270.8万直接 且充分就业机会。随着淘宝网规模的扩大和用户数量的增加,淘宝也从单一的C2C网络集市变成了包括C2C、团购、分销、拍卖等多种电子商务模式在内的综合性零售商圈。目前已经成为世界范围的电子商务交易平台之一。
By the end of 2011, Taobao's daily transaction volume peaked at 4.38 billion yuan, creating 2.708 million direct and full employment opportunities. With the expansion of Taobao's scale and the increase in the number of users, Taobao has also changed from a single C2C online market to a comprehensive retail and business district including C2C, group buying, distribution, auction and other e-commerce models. It has now become one of the world's largest e-commerce trading platforms.
Taobao was established in 2003, but it took more than ten years of preparation to truly promote and popularize it, and now it has reached its peak. Taobao is the largest online retail and business district in the Asia-Pacific region, founded by Alibaba Group in May 2003. Taobao is China's most popular online shopping and retail platform, with nearly 500 million registered users and more than 60 million regular visitors every day. At the same time, the number of online products per day has exceeded 800 million, and an average of 48,000 products are sold every minute.