1、淘宝主图尺寸:700 * 700,主图大小 : 500K以内,建议不要压缩的太小,小了图片会失真,主图一般可以上传4~6个不同角度的图片。
2、详情页的尺寸:750 的宽度,高度则根据商品本身实际情况而定。大小最好在单张500K,连体图片3M以内
The sizes of Taobao main pictures and detail pages are as follows:
1. Taobao main picture size: 700 * 700, main picture size: within 500K. It is recommended not to compress it too small, otherwise the picture will be distorted. The main picture can generally upload 4 to 6 pictures from different angles.
2. The size of the detail page: 750 in width, and the height depends on the actual situation of the product itself. The size is best within 500K for a single picture and within 3M for a conjoined picture
The sizes of Tmall main pictures and detail pages are as follows:
1. Tmall main picture: 800*800,
2. Details page PC side: width 790, height unlimited, wireless side: width 750