义乌做淘宝,直接开淘宝店一般卖饰品 玩具,日用百货,工艺品,袜子服装等各行各业的都有。在义乌做电商,比较其他地方还是很有优势的,首先进货方便,义乌有全世界最大的商贸市场,种类齐全,品种繁多。其次价格优势,许多同类商品,义乌往往是价格洼地。
Yiwu sells Taobao products directly, such as accessories, toys, daily necessities, handicrafts, socks, clothing and other products. Compared with other places, e-commerce in Yiwu is very advantageous. First, it is convenient to purchase goods. Yiwu has the largest trade market in the world with a wide range of products. Secondly, the price advantage is that Yiwu is often the lowest price for many similar products.
Third, Yiwu has a developed logistics system and low express delivery costs.