如果WiFi能正常上别的软件,只有淘宝不可以,你进入 WiFi主页查看一下,是不是对淘宝软件进行了锁定,如果针对淘宝锁定了也是上不了的。现在路由器是有安全设置的。你可以进主页看一下你的设置。如果确定不了,就恢复一下出厂设置。如果 WiFi别的也上不去,就有可能是 WiFi欠费了。
If the WiFi can access other software but Taobao can't, go to the WiFi homepage to check if the Taobao software is locked. If it is locked, you can't log in. Now the router has security settings. You can go to the homepage to check your settings. If you are not sure, restore the factory settings. If WiFi can't access other software, it may be that the WiFi is in arrears.