Guangzhou 17.com is a local e-commerce website in Guangzhou. Due to the platform's sophisticated management and precise positioning, they can provide some cost-effective products for consumers in Guangzhou, and can also provide corresponding promotional activities for merchants, making the prices of goods relatively cheap.
In addition, Guangzhou 17.com will also purchase directly from the source through in-depth cooperation with merchants, thereby saving the cost of the middle link and further reducing the price of goods.
Taobao is a national e-commerce platform, its procurement channels and supply chain may be more extensive, and the competition it faces is more intense, so the price may fluctuate. In general, Guangzhou 17.com is cheaper than Taobao because it faces a narrower target market and can flexibly adjust its own operating strategy.
Guangzhou 17.com is not necessarily cheaper than Taobao.
1. Because prices involve many factors, different sellers and different products have different prices, so it is impossible to compare which is cheaper and which is more expensive with a fixed standard.
2. The two websites also have their own characteristics. Guangzhou 17.com may have some products that are sold more in its own area, so it can guarantee relatively low prices, while Taobao is suitable for mass e-commerce platforms and can provide a wider range of choices and transaction methods, but prices need to be compared based on different products.
Because most of the goods sold on Guangzhou 17.com are produced locally in Guangzhou, and there are few genuine ones, which saves transportation costs. On Taobao, there are more genuine products, and most of them are from other places.
Because Guangzhou 17.com is a wholesaler.