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Taobao store operation goals, how to operate a store well

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运营的节奏 1、战略规划;


4、目标执行。店铺在不同阶段运营的重点不一样,要把握节奏不要做一些顾此失彼适得其反的事情。比如新店上聚划算活动,会打乱店铺的正常价格体系和店铺成长计划,产品和服务跟不上,引发后续的销售真空和降低顾客体验。后面我会重点讲解,店铺运营的阶段,每个阶段的工作计划不一样。运营的核心 商品运营,服务经营,买家运营,关系经营。




4、关系经营,在中国是必修课。公关关系,刚开始就要有预案,建立处理原则和技巧。政治压力,是公司的安全问题,随时备案,有备无患,才能顺利发展。运营的重点 1、产品;



4、会员。运营的营销思路 营销只做2件事情:开发新客户,维护老客户。


2、推广手段:A、线上推广:门户、导航站、垂直类知名站点;B、线下推广:平面报刊杂志、户外路牌楼宇LED;C、SEM:搜索引擎关键词、品牌专区等;D、CPS联盟:中小站长、网店、第三方联盟;E、商务合作:品牌联合、销售促进;F、渠道代销:C2C商城入驻、B2C分销、大客户;G、事件营销:代言人、病毒营销。您可能感兴趣的文章:实战运营分享:管好节奏分阶段 淘宝卖家应该如何脱颖而出,赚得流量?感谢你关注:《淘宝开店知识》栏目@淘宝开店解密网

Professional answer




1. Product;

2. Team;

3. Operation;

4. Capital;

5. Supply chain.

Operation rhythm 1. Strategic planning;

2. Tactical formulation, 3. Task decomposition;

4. Goal execution. The focus of store operation is different at different stages. You should grasp the rhythm and not do things that are counterproductive. For example, the Juhuasuan event on a new store will disrupt the normal price system and store growth plan of the store. The products and services cannot keep up, causing a subsequent sales vacuum and reducing customer experience. Later, I will focus on the stages of store operation. The work plan for each stage is different. The core of operation is commodity operation, service operation, buyer operation, and relationship operation.

1. To do a good job in commodity operation and what products to make, you need a complete set of operation standards. The purpose is to create a hot-selling group as soon as possible and maximize the profit of existing capital.

2. Service management, establish a set of high-quality and reasonable service system standards, optimize the window for each customer to contact, formulate a unified standard process, and all people in the company use the same caliber and method to deal with customer problems.

3. Buyer management, establish a CRM system. No matter what you do, if you only look ahead and ignore the future, there will be no virtuous cycle of development. Promotion, word of mouth, and brand are all based on customers.

4. Relationship management is a compulsory course in China. Public relations must have a plan at the beginning, and establish handling principles and skills. Political pressure is a security issue for the company. It is necessary to keep a record at any time and be prepared for any eventuality in order to develop smoothly. Operation focus 1. Product;

2. Traffic;

3. Conversion;

4. Members. Marketing ideas for operation Marketing only does two things: develop new customers and maintain old customers.

1. Promotion appeal: A. What products to provide (user demand); B. Who are the potential users (user scale); C. Where are the target users (precision marketing); D. Our advantages (price, quality, service, brand); E. Quantifiable promotion expectations (quantification of traffic entrance).

2. Promotion methods: A. Online promotion: portals, navigation sites, vertical well-known sites; B. Offline promotion: print newspapers and magazines, outdoor road signs and building LEDs; C. SEM: search engine keywords, brand areas, etc.; D. CPS alliance: small and medium-sized webmasters, online stores, third-party alliances; E. Business cooperation: brand alliance, sales promotion; F. Channel agency sales: C2C mall entry, B2C distribution, major customers; G. Event marketing: spokesperson, viral marketing. Articles you may be interested in: Practical operation sharing: Manage the rhythm in stages. How should Taobao sellers stand out and earn traffic? Thank you for your attention: "Taobao store knowledge" column @Taobao store decryption network

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