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Online shopping terms

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1.B2B(Business-to-Business):企业对企业 代表平台:1688、阿里巴巴国际站2、B2C(Business-to-Customer):企业对个人 代表平台:天猫、京东等

3、C2C(Customer to Customer):个人对个人 代表平台:淘宝、ebay

4、O2O(Online To Offline):线上对线下 代表平台:美团、饿了么

5、流量 流量(traffic)指网站的访问量,是用来描述访问一个网站/单品的用户数量以及用户所浏览的网页数量等指标。

6、UV:(Unique Visitor)独立访客 电商里,统计1天内访问某个店铺的用户数(以账户ID为依据);00:00-24:00内相同的ID多次访问只计为1个访客。

7、PV:(Page View)浏览量 即页面浏览量或点击量,衡量电商用户访问的网页数量。一个访问者在24小时(0点到24点)内到底看了你网店几个页面。这里需要强调:同一个人浏览你网站同一个页面,不重复计算PV量,点100次也算1次。PV就是一个访问者打开了你的几个页面。

8、GMV:(Gross Merchandise Volume)成交总额(一定时间段内)在电商网站定义里面是网站成交金额。这个实际指的是拍下订单金额, 包含付款和未付款的部分。一般商家在计算自己的GMV时也可以剔除未付款订单,只计算付款订单或最终成交订单。

9、SKU:(Stock Keeping Unit) 库存量单位 电商里一个SKU是指一款商品。举例:一款商品多色,则是有多个SKU,例:一件衣服,有红色、白色、蓝色,则SKU编码也不相同,如相同则会出现混淆,发错货。

10、SPU: (Standard Product Unit ) 标准产品单位 基于SPU是商品信息聚合的最小单位,是一组可复用、易检索的标准化信息的集合,该集合描述了一个产品的特性。在商品信息电子化过程中,商品的特性可以由多个“属性|属性值对”进行描述。


12 可以确定一个产品即为一个SPU。

Professional answer




1. B2B (Business-to-Business): Business to business Representative platforms: 1688, Alibaba International Station 2. B2C (Business-to-Customer): Business to individual Representative platforms: Tmall, JD.com, etc.

3. C2C (Customer to Customer): Individual to individual Representative platforms: Taobao, eBay

4. O2O (Online To Offline): Online to offline Representative platforms: Meituan, Ele.me

5. Traffic Traffic refers to the number of visits to a website, which is used to describe the number of users who visit a website/single product and the number of web pages browsed by users.

6. UV: (Unique Visitor) Independent Visitor In e-commerce, the number of users who visit a store within 1 day is counted (based on account ID); multiple visits with the same ID between 00:00-24:00 are only counted as 1 visitor.

7. PV: (Page View) Page Views, which is the page views or clicks, measures the number of web pages visited by e-commerce users. How many pages of your online store did a visitor view within 24 hours (0:00 to 24:00). It should be emphasized here: the same person browsing the same page of your website will not be counted repeatedly, and 100 clicks will also be counted as 1. PV means how many pages a visitor has opened.

8. GMV: (Gross Merchandise Volume) The total transaction amount (within a certain period of time) is the transaction amount of the website in the definition of e-commerce websites. This actually refers to the amount of the order, including the paid and unpaid parts. Generally, merchants can also exclude unpaid orders when calculating their GMV, and only calculate paid orders or final transaction orders.

9. SKU: (Stock Keeping Unit) Inventory Unit A SKU in e-commerce refers to a product. For example: if a product has multiple colors, it will have multiple SKUs. For example: if a piece of clothing has red, white, and blue colors, the SKU codes will also be different. If they are the same, there will be confusion and the wrong goods will be shipped.

10. SPU: (Standard Product Unit) Standard product unit is based on the fact that SPU is the smallest unit for the aggregation of product information. It is a set of reusable and easy-to-retrieve standardized information that describes the characteristics of a product. In the process of electronicization of product information, the characteristics of a product can be described by multiple "attribute|attribute value pairs".

11. Products with exactly the same "attribute|attribute value pairs" can be abstracted into one SPU. On the other hand, these "attribute|attribute value pairs" are solidified in the SPU and gradually standardized. For example: iPhone

12 It can be determined that a product is one SPU.



shopping on the internet or online shopping means almost the same thing, online shopping

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