我是台湾卖家,之前有听台湾其他卖家朋友说有些商品过海关的时候要求要有收件人的身分信息结果买家不给,搞得卡在海关他很头疼(该朋友卖的是台湾有品牌的运动鞋)应该是看商品类目的反正要了身分证字号也无法做什麼不是 顶多就是验证而已
I am a Taiwanese seller. I have heard from other Taiwanese seller friends that some products require the recipient's ID information when passing through customs, but the buyer does not provide it, which makes him very headache when it is stuck at customs (the friend sells sports shoes of a Taiwanese brand). It should depend on the product category. Anyway, asking for the ID number can't do anything, it's just verification at most.