It is worth it. 1688 is owned by Alibaba. The products in it are all produced by qualified and regular manufacturers. The quality is considered to be above average. The price is also very economical and affordable. It is good news for ordinary people. There are many people buying it. Not only can you buy it in retail, but also in wholesale. Wholesale is even cheaper. Ordinary people can wholesale it themselves and make money by selling it themselves.
1688 Super Factory is not worth joining
If you don’t have a certain level of financial strength, you should not join 1688 Super Factory. Super Factory is more suitable for consumer products, and is more suitable for products that are slightly customized. It depends on whether you have this demand. If not, you can use a powerful merchant. You don’t need to choose the more expensive 1688 Super Factory.
It is worth joining, so that you can better show the strength of your factory